Wednesday Tastes Good (1991)

Wednesday Tastes Good (1991)
Books for youth

Katja is an abandoned child who ends up in the children`s home “Sunflower”. The home is run by an exceptional woman called Chocolate. Katja feels so good in the environment of love, friendship, tolerance and humour which Chocolate has created for the children that apples start growing on her head. Beautiful, tasty, wonderful apples. Whoever tries them starts feeling happy and understands all the people around better. Chocolate decides that an applestrudel should be made from Katja`s apples in order to give everybody a bit of Katja`s happiness. All goes well until Chocolate has to go to the hospital to have an operation. A certain Mr.Grey becomes provisional head of the orphanage. He brings stern rules with him which surpress the children’s sense of humour, feeling of freedom, imagination and friendship. What was once extraodinary in “Sunflower” disappears. Finally, Katja`s good apples stop growing too. Katja is so unhappy that she decides to run away. But then Chocolate comes back and life at “Sunflower” is wonderful once again.

Mittwoch schmeckt gut – German – Thienemanns Verlag 1991
Středa nám chutná – Czech – Albatros 1994
The book was awarded the Czech Prize for children’s and youth literature, the Golden Band.

Further information

Curriculum Vitae

Born 1953 in Olomouc, Czechoslovakia. Has lived and worked in Austria, Germany and the Czech Republic   1972 Graduation from Neruda Grammar School in Prague. Not allowed to enrol at…

List of awards and other distinctions

  The Summer Wears Donkey´s Ears * The book was on the 1985 List of Best German Children´s Books; it was also awarded The Prize of the Czech Publisher Albatros 1996. The Season of…